Stay Merry
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Sunday, December 12, 2021
By Amelia Jackson
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Don't let the hustle and bustle of Christmas steal your joy. Christmas time can easily become stressful. The joyous days can turn into panic as we try to get everything done in time. Memories of lost love ones or strained relationships comes to mind. Searching for the perfect gift becomes a dreaded trip to stores filled with impatient people.  Especially since we are still in the middle of a pandemic, and the cost of everything from fuel to bread has risen. While you are looking out for others, don't forget to look out for yourself.  I know it is easily said than done, but if the busy Christmas period is starting to get the best of you, it can be slightly comforting to know that many others are in the same boat.

Regardless of the time of year, by taking regular “micro recoveries” of meaningful downtime throughout the day can ease the tension. This could be as simple as sitting outside for five minutes without peeking at your phone, or just sitting in your living room listening to soothing music while sipping on your favorite beverage. These little practices can often boost energy and ease tension. 

Simplicity is always best- Christmas is not about the amount of gifts we get. It is about the blessings of our family, love ones and the quality time we spend with them. Paring it back to what’s important, and approaching things with an intentional sense of gratitude can help to reconnect with the deeper meaning of Christmas. So, keep joy in your heart and stay MERRY.

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